The Global WASH Cluster (GWC) Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) has 12 members and provides strategic oversight and guidance to the GWC’s Cluster Advocacy and Support Team (CAST) and represents the members to the GWC.
The primary role of the SAG is to provide strategic oversight and guidance for the delivery of the GWC’s Strategic Plan in line with the GWC’s vision, mission and strategic objectives. The SAG represents the GWC members in the governance of the GWC and oversees the membership arrangements, including eligibility criteria, rights and responsibilities. While the CAST decides on day-to-day operational matters of the GWC, the SAG ensures decisions are based on the best available information and are in the best interests of the affected populations served by the GWC and its members, aligning strategic and operational plans and priorities with the wider water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. For more information on the SAG, please refer to the Terms of Reference.
Learn more about key discussions, outcomes and actions from SAG meetings by consulting the minutes below:
Under the terms of reference, the SAG has a two-year mandate and includes representatives from the GWC’s members and national coordination platforms (NCPs). The SAG is currently composed of:
Two permanent representatives (with voting rights):
- UNICEF as Cluster Lead Agency (CLA)
- The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) as the only international organization outside of the United Nations directly involved with GWC
Five member representatives (with voting rights):
- A second United Nations agency: IOM
- Four international organizations: Oxfam, Welthungerhilfe and Solidarités International and Institut 2iE.
Four national coordination platform representatives (with voting rights), with one representative each from the regions of East Africa, West Africa, Middle East and North Africa, and the rest of world:
- One national SAG members from local and/or national organizations (as representatives of the national SAG): GOALPrime Organization and Global Community Rescue
- One national cluster/sector coordinators (as representatives of the national coordination platform): Bangladesh Cox's Bazar WASH Sector
One representative (without voting rights):
- One donor representative: Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), USAID and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) - (shared)