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Climate Change Working Group

The Global WASH Cluster (GWC) Working Group on Climate Change unites professionals and experts from diverse humanitarian WASH organizations, acting as a platform for converging efforts and best practices to address the current and future challenges posed by climate change within the humanitarian WASH sector. The Working Group leverages the collective reach and experience of its members to strengthen GWC members and National Coordination Platforms (NCPs) knowledge and capacity, as well as delivering advocacy and resource mobilization efforts necessary to support initiatives that can bolster the resilience of the humanitarian WASH sector.

To know more about climate change in WASH humanitarian coordination, watch the panel discussion below. This event was organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the German Toilet Organization (GTO), as lead and co-lead, respectively, of the GWC Climate Change Working Group on 09 May 2024, as part of the sessions featured during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2024:


The Working Group is led by Antonio Torres ( from IOM and co-led by Thorsten Reckerzügl ( from GTO.

Useful Information


Objective 1: Coordination : Provide a platform to identify key needs and facilitate discussions on humanitarian WASH and climate change related issues, with GWC members and well as national cluster or sector coordinators and information managers. 

Objective 2: Capacity Strengthening : Strengthen the sector’s capacity related to climate change and humanitarian WASH response and coordination.

Objective 3: Knowledge management and dissemination :  Share guidance, tools, evidence and best practices related to climate change and humanitarian WASH programming and coordination. 

Objective 4: Advocacy and Resource mobilization: Enhance the uptake of climate change as a thematic component of humanitarian WASH, advocating for its inclusion and integration in sector strategies and guidance and Identify advocacy needs.

Global commitments


Find the GWC Working Group on Climate Change contact list here.

As per its mandate, the GWC works in partnership with all WASH members to find solutions to issues arising in a response. Any GWC member can be part of the CC WG but should commit to participation on a yearly basis. Special guests can be part of the CC WG if they can demonstrate added value.

Key working documents


For more information or to request support, please write to Antonio Torres ( or Thorsten Reckerzügl ( or

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