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Strategic Plan 2022-2025

The Global WASH Cluster’s (GWC) Strategic Plan 2022–2025 sets out the direction for collective commitment around joint action to be achieved through a common vision, mission and objectives, supported by shared values. The GWC is renewing its focus on excellence in effective and accountable humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) coordination for the people most affected by and vulnerable to crises and is spearheading the future of humanitarian WASH coordination. The strategy provides a common framework for collective action by the GWC’s members to better position coordination within the humanitarian WASH sector. To achieve the ambitious aims set out by the strategy, the GWC’s members are encouraged to actively engage and participate in the implementation plan and monitoring framework of the GWC’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025.

The groundwork for the development of the GWC’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 was launched at the 25th GWC annual meeting in 2021, which provided the opportunity for dynamic discussions reflecting on sectoral strategies, coordination, partnerships and leadership. The review of the Strategic Plan 2016–2020, which highlighted progress to date and identified gaps, priorities and key recommendations, provided valuable insights to drive the Strategic Plan and to shape the future of humanitarian WASH coordination. This also included the revision of the membership categories and governance structure to promote and enable the active participation, meaningful representation and decisive leadership of National Coordination Platforms (NCPs) and local and national actors.

The GWC’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 was developed through a participatory process, engaging a wide range of key stakeholders from the WASH sector and beyond. Through a series of document reviews, consultations, workshops and surveys, they have provided a broad range of contributions to the strategy.

The GWC’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 aligns with UNICEF's Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025, as the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA), along with other key sectoral strategies and frameworks, such as the Humanitarian WASH Road Map 2020–2025 and the Sanitation and Water for All’s Framework.

As an annex, the new implementation plan and monitoring framework of the Global WASH Cluster Strategic plan 2022-2025 is a result of the recent collaboration and contributions from GWC members, working in the humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector across international organizations, United Nations agencies, international non-governmental organizations, academic institutes and donors, along with National Coordination Platforms (NCP).



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