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Cholera Resources 2023

This page provides the latest resources and updates on the 2023 Cholera Outbreak response as well as key guidance on leadership and coordination.

Latest Updates

Global Cholera Emergency Briefing - Call to Action - 8 November 2022

In an effort to address the alarmingly increasing number of cholera cases worldwide, the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC), the Global Health and WASH Clusters, together with UNICEF and WHO, with the support of the CDC, convened an interactive global cholera briefing and call to action on 8 November 2022 with high-level keynote speakers. You can download the recording and materials below, as well as additional resources presented during the call.

Key Resources - Case-area Targeted Intervention (CATI) for Cholera Outbreaks:

Key Resources - Coordination and Technical Resources:

Do you request support?

The Global WASH Cluster currently offers specific helpdesk support on cholera response and coordination to national coordination platforms. If you have any queries or requests for support, please write to: 

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