The GWC is committed to effective and accountable humanitarian WASH coordination and the need for active participation, meaningful representation, and decisive leadership by local and national actors (L/NAs). This includes improving preparedness, anticipatory action, response, monitoring and transition phases, by supporting local and national actors, with a diverse range of stakeholders - from public and private partners and civil society. The GWC will drive forward the localization agenda through the following actions:
Through the Localization Task Force, the GWC supports NCPs to create an enabling environment for the inclusion of local and national actors in effective and accountable humanitarian WASH coordination, by enhancing capacity and fostering accountability. This will increase active participation, meaningful representation and decisive leadership in driving humanitarian WASH outcomes. In 2024, 50% WASH Cluster partners at national level are L/NAs, 54% at sub-national level.
Joint advocacy efforts are carried out across all sectors and clusters to create enabling environments in humanitarian WASH coordination for the inclusion of local and national actors. This includes key areas such as resourcing, transition and accountability, supporting the commitments set out by the localization agenda.
Key resources
Training on Localization coming soon!
Advocacy campaigns