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Cluster Advocacy and Support Team

The Global WASH Cluster (GWC) Cluster Advocacy and Support Team (CAST) was established to carry out the responsibilities of the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA), including driving the GWC’s Strategic Plan and leading the operational support, in close collaboration with the GWC’s Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). It fosters, develops and maintains partnerships to strengthen humanitarian coordination for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and provides guidance and operational and surge support to national coordination platforms (NCPs). Based within UNICEF’s Global Cluster Coordination Section (GCCS) in Geneva, the CAST represents the GWC internally in the CLA and externally with key stakeholders across the humanitarian community. The CAST also represents the GWC in the Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG), led by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and composed of the 11 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)-recognized Global Clusters and four Areas of Responsibility.

Meet the Cluster Advocacy and Support Team (CAST)

Monica Ramos

Global WASH Cluster Coordinator

under recruitment

Deputy Global WASH Cluster Coordinator (Operational Support)

Julie Bara

Deputy Global WASH Cluster Coordinator (Strategy and Partnerships)

Ramy Zaki

Senior Information Management Specialist

Aliocha Salagnac

Advocacy and Capacity Strengthening Specialist

Nancy Kanwal

Programme Officer

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