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Sixth Edition of the GWC Newsletter 2024

Publication: 13 Jun 2024

In this June 2024 issue, we bring you a rich and diverse array of news and key updates from National Coordination Platforms (NCPs), GWC members, and partners such as UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, John Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, York University, Geneva Water Hub, and iMMAP.

The 2024 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) requires $48.65 billion to assist 187.8 million people in need across 71 countries through 39 coordinated response plans. As of the end of May 2024, the reported GHO funding amounts to $7.85 billion, which is 20 percent less than last year ($9.8 billion) at the same time.

According to FTS, the humanitarian WASH sector requested $3.5 billion to address the needs of affected people in 2024. So far, only 13% of the funding for WASH has been received ($476 million) which is lower than the overall average of humanitarian funding received to this date (17.1%) and lower than the funding received by sectors like Food security, Health, Nutrition and Protection.

Despite this humanitarian funding decline, the GWC estimates that over 15 million people have been reached with immediate WASH assistance out of the 84 million people targeted in 28 countries since January 2024. In Ethiopia, for example, WASH cluster partners have provided safe drinking water to over 1.1 million people across the country between January and March 2024. Of these, 782,509 people have benefited from durable water solutions.

Other highlights of this month: 

  • NEW updates on GWC Working Groups
  • GWC Annual Meeting and NCP Workshop materials
  • Deployment in South Sudan and current job opportunities in the GWC Field Support Team
  • Sudan WASH Sector Emergency Briefing Recording and Materials
  • NEW RESOURCE! Water Harvesting Interventions Catalogue for Syria
  • NEW RESOURCE! UNICEF Country Office Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination

Read the full newsletter here.

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