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Sudan WASH Sector Emergency Briefing

11 Jun 2024


On 11 June 2024, the Global WASH Cluster and the Sudan WASH Sector will provide an emergency briefing for all GWC members, actors working in the country or the region, and global audiences.

The event will start at 15.30 until 17.00 CEST and will be held online, via Microsoft Teams. It will be conducted in English.


  • Opening Remarks (5min) - Mandeep O'Brien, Representative, UNICEF Sudan 
  • Key themes and challenges (25min), Donald Burgess, WASH Sector Coordination Team, UNICEF
    • Needs, response, gaps (covering displacement, famine, and outbreaks)
    • Sector capacity
    • Constraints and challenges
    • Key advocacy messages and asks
  • Discussion and Q&A  (30-40min) 
  • Wrapping up (5mins)
  • Closing Remarks (5mins) - Monica Ramos, Global WASH Cluster Coordinator, UNICEF

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