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Fifth Edition of the GWC Newsletter 2024

Publication: 13 May 2024

In this May 2024 edition of the GWC Monthly Newsletter, we bring news and key updates from National Coordination Platforms (NCPs), GWC members, and partners such as UNICEF, WHO, OCHA, Geneva Water Hub, PRO-WASH & SCALE, WeWorld, and WEDC/Loughborough University.

According to UNICEF, it has been 5 days that no fuel and virtually no humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip and we are "scraping the bottom of the barrel". This is already a huge issue for the population and for all humanitarian actors but in a matter of days, if not corrected, the lack of fuel could grind humanitarian operations to a halt. This month also brings our focus to Haïti, where people—especially children—are threatened by both social instabilities and environmental tragedies: political turmoil, civil unrest, violence, crippling poverty, and natural disasters leave them with no access to shelter, food, water, hygiene facilities, healthcare services, and education.

The GWC, together with the Haïti WASH Sector and DINEPA, Haïti's National Directorate of Water and Sanitation, conducted a WASH emergency briefing to (1) discuss where the national coordination platform stands in terms of response and reach and (2) to bring into discourse the challenges that impede the smooth delivery of WASH humanitarian assistance. The session concluded with the GWC's strong calls-to-action, especially regarding further financing of operational partners and funding new potential actors who aim to start humanitarian operations in Haïti.

Other highlights of this edition:

  • The Upcoming 28th GWC Annual Meeting, NCP Workshop and EEHF.
  • The GWC's participation at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week 2024 FST deployment updates in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • The new WASH Operational Framework for Promotion of Hygiene in Emergencies in Colombia

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