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The 28th GWC Annual Meeting and National Coordination Platforms Workshop

13 May 2024


The 28th GWC Annual Meeting and National Coordination Platforms (NCP) Workshop were held on 13-16 May 2024, at EAWAG in Zurich, and online.

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28th GWC Annual Meeting Official Group Photo. Credits @EAWAG/Laura Baquedano. 14-05-2024.


The Annual Meeting provided a space for GWC Members to interact with one another and discuss the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025, including key contributions from GWC Members and National Coordination Platforms (NCPs).

In particular, the Annual Meeting became a venue to:

  • Reflect on the current operational environment and linkages to coordination for the humanitarian WASH sector:
    • 2023 overview and 2024 projections
    • Updates on global initiatives impacting coordination
  • Agree upon priority actions for the strategic plan (based on the mid-term review):
    • Present key findings and recommendations across all Strategic Objectives and Outputs
    • Agree upon priority actions and contributions from GWC members and NCPs for 2024 and 2025
  • Provide networking opportunities for GWC members and NCPs:
    • Conduct deep dives on key topics
    • Host Marketplace session


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NCPW 2024
National Coordination Platforms Workshop 2024 Official Group Photo. Credits @Laure Anquez. 16-05-2024.


The NCP Workshop provided a space for cluster coordinators, co-coordinators, and information managers to strengthen capacities on Global WASH Coordination, International Humanitarian Law, and Nexus and Collective Outcomes, among others. 

In particular, the NCP Workshop became a venue for coordinators and information managers to: 

  • Exchange knowledge and practice on the core functions of coordination 
  • Define new collective areas of work.

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