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Women in WASH coordination initiative

Publication: 30 May 2022

In 2022, GWC started a new initiative, Women in WASH coordination. Currently only 19% of national WASH cluster coordinators and 22% of Information Management Officers are women. There is little information related to Women’s Rights Organizations’ (WROs) participation in WASH Clusters even though it is a requirement of IASC Localization guidance. In order to address this gender gap, GWC is conducting a research which includes two components; 1) barriers and enablers for women to be WASH cluster coordinators and co-coordinators, Information Management Officers and take other leadership roles in WASH Clusters; and 2) barriers and enablers for WROs to meaningfully participate in WASH Clusters. Based on the research, we will develop a practical road map to address the gender gap.

If you have any questions about this initiative or want to share any relevant information, please feel free to contact Julie Bara at

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