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One of the primary goals of the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) is to influence and advocate an effective and accountable humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) coordination response and funding. Advocacy plays a key role in coordination and the GWC supports national coordination platforms (NCPs) to fulfill this key cluster function in order to:

  • Identify advocacy concerns to contribute to the Humanitarian Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordination Team (HCT) messaging and action
  • Undertake advocacy activities on behalf of cluster participants and the affected population

As part of the GWC’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025, increased emphasis has been placed on the need for the design of a package to support advocacy for humanitarian coordination, at global and country levels. The GWC’s Cluster Advocacy and Support Team (CAST) has developed an advocacy toolkit for NCPs, as well as a global strategic approach to advocate for coordination and response in collaboration with the Humanitarian WASH sector’s Roadmap 2020–2025 initiative on advocacy and funding.

Key links:

Global GWC Advocacy Campaigns 2023-2024:

2023-2024 NCP Advocacy Initiatives - Highlights:


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